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The Victim Protection Commissioner

Barbara Havliza is the officer for victim protection in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.The Victim Protection Commissioner is the central point of contact for victims of crime and violent offences as well as persons close to them. In particular, she supports victims in special cases and where significant damage has been done and gives them information about their rights. She facilitates cooperation between victim protection bodies and forms networks.

She advises the Ministry of Justice about fundamental matters of victim protection and contributes towards the advancement of judicial victim protection.

The Victim Protection Commissioner is independent in the exercise of her official functions and is subject only to the law. All of the members of her team are bound to secrecy.

Who can contact the Victim Protection Officer?
Victims of crime and persons close to them can contact the Victim Protection Commissioner directly with any concerns they may have. Third parties can provide her with suggestions and advice on fundamental issues relating to victim protection. You can contact the Victim Protection Commissioner with questions, concerns or suggestions in person, in writing or by telephone.

You can contact the Victim Protection Commissioner for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the following ways:

Helpline : 0800 3345667
Email: : poststelle [at] (poststelle[at]opferschutzbeauftragte[dot]nrw[dot]de)