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Other Portals

In addition to the NRW Victim Protection Portal, there are many other portals with useful information on the topic of victim protection and support services which may be of interest to you while searching for advice centres in your area.

They are targeted and clearly laid out portals and databases for victim of crime, discrimination based on sexual identity or orientation and victims of sexual abuse. The services are aimed at women, men, children, young persons and people belonging to the LGBTIQ* community. It is not only victims who will find support here: relatives and friends can also find out how they can help.


The Online Database for Victims of Criminal Offences (“ODABS”)

ODABS helps victims with the search for advice centres across Germany for victims of criminal offences. Using a filter function, the Internet site enables people to get information about advice and support services in their particular region. The online database lists organisations whose work places emphasis on advising and supporting victims of criminal offences according to their own definition. The content available about these organisations is of coursed managed by the organisations themselves.


Victim protection in NRW

You can find comprehensive information about victim protection in North Rhine-Westphalia on the website of the Ministry of Justice for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. This includes legal texts, the victim protection report and an overview of the process facilitators as well as other similar documents.


The National Helpline for Violence against Women (Gewalt gegen Frauen) 

The helpline “Gewalt gegen Frauen” (Violence against Women) provides support to women in emergency situations. Victims can get anonymous, competent, safe and barrier-free advice at any time. Qualified women advisers are on hand to support those seeking help and, on request, can put victims in touch with local support services such as women’s advice centres or women’s refuges. Relatives, friends and professionals can also us the helpline should they have questions or require information. Accessibility and a range of languages ensure that women with disabilities and/or little knowledge of German are able to use the service.


Women’s advice centres in NRW

The services provided by 51 autonomous women’s advice centres in North Rhine-Westphalia are aimed at all women, are free of charge and, on request, are anonymous. Women in all different kinds of problem and emergency situations can get information, advice and therapy here. The women’s advice centres see their role as expert bodies for women who are affected by physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence. Among other things, you can get an overview of the advice centres in your area on the Internet site of the Dachverband der autonomen Frauenberatungsstellen NRW e.V. (the Umbrella Organisation of Autonomous Women’s Advice Centres in North Rhine-Westphalia).


Frauen-Info-Netz gegen Gewalt (The Women’s Information Network against Violence)

The Women’s Information Network provides women and professionals seeking help with the opportunity to obtain comprehensive and up-to-date information about places in women’s refuges and other support options. Free places in women’s refuges across North Rhine-Westphalia can be viewed with the aid of an easy-to-use map search tool. Symbols on the NRW map provide users with a quick overview. It is also possible to perform an area search using the filter function. The Women’s Information Network also provides important information about support services for women who are victims of violence.


The Federal and State Police Commission for the Prevention of Crime

Working in nationwide project groups, the Police Commission for the Prevention of Crime develops concepts, media and initiatives which inform people about criminal offences and which make recommendations with respect to protection. Victims of criminal offences can find information here about criminal offences, their rights as victims, ways to obtain compensation and how criminal proceedings will progress.


“Police for you”: The online portal for children and young persons The Federal and State Police Commission for the Prevention of Crime’s online service provides information on youth-specific police topics which has been specially prepared for children and young persons. It includes information on cyber-bullying, sexual abuse, hatred on the Internet and many other things.



The Sexual Abuse Help Portal

In cases of sexual abuse, the nationwide database provided by the Independent Commissioner for Sexual Abuse Issues helps people to find important points of contact quickly and easily. The directory of help centres near where people live also provides information about facts and backgrounds, therapy and advice services, protection and prevention as well as legal explanations. The portal is aimed at affected children, young persons, parents, adults, their relatives and people from their social environment as well as professionals in child daycare centres, church communities and sport clubs.


The Working Group for the Protection of Children and Young Persons (AJS): The protection of children and young persons in NRW

The AJS is a specialist agency active in North Rhine-Westphalia which aims to promote the educational and legal protection of children and young persons. The specialist agency wants to support, enable and protect children and young persons. With these objectives, its services are aimed at providing up-to-date information, competent guidance, and advice and training for educators and multipliers. In this way, the AJS supports the work of youth welfare services, independent organisations, educational institutions, advice centres, the police, public order offices and professional associations. A variety of information and working materials about topics such as violence, radicalisation and hate speech, among others, can be viewed on the AJS Internet site free of charge.


Vielfalt statt Gewalt (Diversity not Violence) - The Federal Coordination of Anti-Violence Work for Lesbians, Gay Men and Trans* People in NRW

Many lesbians, gay men, bisexual people, transgender people, transsexuals and intersex people, abbreviated to LGBTIQ*, are the target of homophobic and transphobic violence. The Federal Coordination of Anti-Violence Work for Lesbians and Gay Men in NRW is a specialist unit funded by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia which focuses on the issues of discrimination, violence and domestic violence with respect to lesbians, gay men, bisexual people and trans* people. A network of contact points and advice centres in NRW can provide advice over the telephone, in person or via email. Among other things, information on aspects of discrimination, violence and domestic violence towards lesbians, gay men, bisexual people and trans* people can be found on the website. There is also information about options for action, legal measures, events and ongoing projects.


The Men’s Advice Network (Männerberatungsnetz)  

The Men's Advice Network helps people to look for advice and support for boys, men and fathers in a targeted manner. With the help of an interactive map, interested people can choose from 11 fields of advice and can quickly and easily find advice services specifically for men in their area in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. All they need to do is enter their postcode. The selection of collected services ranges from individual and group counselling to self-help groups, legal advice and coaching.


Stärker als Gewalt (Stronger than Violence)

The nationwide initiative in Germany known as “Stärker als Gewalt” (Stronger than Violence) explains what different kinds of violence there are and gives affected women and men the courage to protect themselves against violence and to make use of support services. The action programme wants to educate more people about the topic while also calling on people around those affected not to look away and to get help. The website brings together a variety of nationwide help and advice services.


The Men’s Helpline

Together with the Federal State of Bavaria, the state government for North Rhine-Westphalia has set up the “Gewalt an Männern” (“Violence towards Men”) helpline as a foundation stone in the construction of a support structure for male victims of violence. Men who have been affected by various types of violence - such as domestic and sexual violence, but also, for example, stalking or forced marriage - can call 0800 123 99 00. In addition, victims can find digital advice services on the following Internet site. 


Weißer Ring

Weißer Ring is an aid organisation for victims of criminal offences and their relatives. Victims can get advice from around 2,900 people helping victims on a voluntary basis in more than 400 offices across Germany. Assistance is provided irrespective of sex, age, religion, citizenship or political beliefs, is free of charge and can take place on an anonymous basis if requested. The telephone line for victims can be reached by calling 116 006.


Hilfe.Info - The Victim Protection Platform of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection

The Victim Protection Platform of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection provides guidance for those affected by criminal offences. The platform bundles information and makes it easier for those affected to find support: Starting with the first steps after a criminal offence, continuing with financial benefits and ending with the criminal proceedings. It also makes it possible for people to find the right contact partners: In addition to the most important official contact persons, the advisory centre finder lists telephone and online services, but also support services near to where people live.


Real Men Talk - man-to-man discussions 

Anger, resentment, doubt and conflict in challenging times can quickly lead to violence. The programme "Real Men Talk" offers a man-to-man discussion to boys and men who are prepared to use violence when they are in a personal situation of distress or crisis. The special offer in open men's counselling centres intends to encourage open discussion of violence towards partners and children as well as problems in the relationship, in separation situations or relating to fatherhood. The objective is to work together to find non-violent ways to change behaviour. The portal allows those affected to find their nearest counsellor with just one click, as well as contact details for getting help quickly.



Victim support handbook

The Victim Support Handbook facilitates the search for different contact points for victims and witnesses of traumatic experiences as well as their relatives by summarising the various institutions and their services in a bundled and clear form, arranged according to subject areas and target groups. In addition to the regional contact points, national hotlines, counselling hotlines and national and state-wide institutions are also included. The handbook is available online: